
Clematis 'Jackmanii'

Clematis 'Jackmanii' is a hardy perennial climbing vine with large purple blooms. The jackmanii species is a hybrid clematis which was derived from crosses between Clematis lanuginosa, Clematis viticella and Clematis hendersonii introduced in 1862 by nurseryman George Jackman from Surrey, England.
Clematis 'Jackmanii with William Baffin roses

The Clematis Jackmanii will grow to a height of 2 to 3 meters (7' to 10') and a spread of 1 to 2 meters (3' to 6'). Its showy blue-purple flowers will bloom from late June through July.  Clematis generally prefers full sun, but the Jackmanii will tolerate part shade. It is a fairly easy maintenance plant as long as you make sure the roots of the plant are kept cool. Always shade the base of the clematis by planting a low annual or perennial and protect its base with mulch. The yearly blooms on the clematis occur on the plant's new growth, therefore prune back the plant in early spring to 1' to 2' from the ground to guaranty an abundance of showy purple blooms.

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